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Showing results 11 - 20 of 40

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Association of periodic fasting with lower severity of COVID-19 outcomes in the SARS-CoV-2 prevaccine era: an observational cohort from the INSPIRE registry
Benjamin D Horne, Heidi T May, Joseph B Muhlestein, Viet T Le, Tami L Bair, Kirk U Knowlton, Jeffrey L Anderson

1 July 2022

COVID-19, body weight and the neighbourhood: food system dimensions and consumption associated with changes in body weight of Peruvian adults during first wave lockdowns
Violeta Magdalena Rojas Huayta, Rocio Galvez-Davila, Oscar Calvo-Torres, Vanessa Cardozo Alarcón, Juan Pablo Aparco, Jack Roberto Silva Fhon, Bill Estrada-Acero, Carlos Jaimes-Velásquez, Bernardo Céspedes-Panduro, Sissy Espinoza-Bernardo, Gandy Dolores-Maldonado, Rofilia Ramírez Ramírez, Mariano Gallo Ruelas, Irene Arteaga-Romero, Ana Maria Higa

5 May 2022

Modest effects of dietary supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from 445 850 users of the COVID-19 Symptom Study app
Panayiotis Louca, Benjamin Murray, Kerstin Klaser, Mark S Graham, Mohsen Mazidi, Emily R Leeming, Ellen Thompson, Ruth Bowyer, David A Drew, Long H Nguyen, Jordi Merino, Maria Gomez, Olatz Mompeo, Ricardo Costeira, Carole H SudreSee the full list of authors

19 April 2021

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