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BMJ NPH Collections

Our collections highlight some of the most innovative work published in the field of nutrition and lifestyle factors and are of significant relevance to everyone involved in nutrition research and clinical practice. All collections are open for submissions. You can find information on how to submit and the types of articles considered on each collection page.

Nutrition Interactions with COVID-19

FIND OUT MORE These articles provide information on what is currently known about the nutrition interactions with the virus and its effects on the human body. A strong focus is also to understand how nutritional circumstances or interventions might mitigate the infections’ harm, both acutely and in the long term.  The collection also showcases, and welcomes, good quality evidence studying the combination of diet and lifestyle factors that may strengthen immunity and susceptibility to the virus.

Diet Sustainability and Climate Change

FIND OUT MORE This collection encourages submissions covering how to plan, promote, and implement sustainable diet solutions on either a population, sub-group or individual level while maintaining nutritional adequacy.
Sustainable and unsustainable packaging

Global Food Security

FIND OUT MORE This collection aims to support the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger. The latter aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition; and promote sustainable agriculture. Thus, submissions to this collection should focus on addressing global policies linked to the topics mentioned above, including but not limited to:
  • The assessment of food security.
  • Proposed methods of tackling these problems in the light of the three decades (United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016-2025, UN Decade of Action on Family Farming 2019-2028, and UN Decade of Action, 2020-2030).
  • Evaluation of current food production and distribution.
Hands holding grains of rice

Implementing Effective Interventions in Healthcare

FIND OUT MORE The focus of this collection is on how to implement effective interventions and practice changes to impact individual and population health.  We welcome submissions of articles focussed on prevention across all areas of health, from any settings (i.e. community, primary care, hospital), and any health-related topic area, as long as their focus is on prevention and changing practice.
Image of fruit and a scientific chart

Nutrition Education

FIND OUT MORE The aim of the Nutrition Education collection is to provide practising physicians and other healthcare providers with reliable nutrition and lifestyle information. Its focus is on successful instruction, novel approaches, surveys of current nutrition knowledge, and proposals for better curriculum.
Image of nutritious food

Food, Mood and Mental Health

FIND OUT MORE Nutritional aspects of psychology, as well as psychiatry, are an emerging area and with an ever-expanding research base, it is beginning to gain the interest of important clinical and policy stakeholders. This series aims to compile, analyse and use the research in this field to develop practice guidelines and continue to better serve this often-overlooked area.
Brain of fruit and vegetables
The BMJ NPH collections are coordinated in partnership with NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health as well as its International Academy of Nutrition Educators.
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